How E-Learning help students
Khushi Varshney
June 7, 2022
Max 5min read

“To make pace for e-Learning we first need to disconnect from the obstacle habits and need to connect ourselves to the virtual world.”

e-Learning is a way of providing lessons (training & development to employees /students) online via smart phones, laptop and tab etc. as compared to traditional methods this mode is relatively prompt. It is the most preferred for training and learning.

The access to knowledge was never open to all. Financial problems, geographical barriers and handicap have now opened doors to continuous reading. Education brings an updated version of knowledge that can be accessed easily by millions of people in the world.

Today, people first search for queries on the internet rather than searching in books. Thus, it leads to the importance of eLearning.

  • Boundless: It is a great source for teachers to earn, as they can teach in their preferred time from anywhere.

  • Developed skills: Both tutors and participants can develop advanced skills like technical skills, active listening, communication and leadership.

  • Disseminate Knowledge: A good practice of knowledge sharing takes place between teachers, learners, tutor and others on online platforms, is important because competition is rising and the world is growing.

  • Cost effective: It is a quick way; it does not require much cost.  It is a cost-effective method of doing things.

  • Improve outcomes: eLearning can improve performance of core subjects and skills, it has helped in increasing student engagement, motivation and attendance. 

  • Effectiveness: When appropriate instructional methods are used it is more effective than face to face instruction.

  • Scalability: It provides scalability, everyone can receive the same type of syllabus. Thus, it saves time, money and reduces transportation costs. 

  • It ensures that all levels of schooling grasp lessons adequately.

Traditional education is evolving into digital mode. As there are many benefits, it exposes individuals to resources, more people and increases interaction.  

Benefits of elearning:

  • Higher Learning Retention: It is most important as it calculates the percentage of users who continue using product/services over a time. Blended learning appeals to a wider range of learning styles. It also refreshes and updates learning material whenever needed.  

  • Flexibility: It gives the chance to learn whatever and wherever a person wants.  All you need is internet connection-reading material, tutorials and transcripts everything is stored in cyberspace and cannot lose the backup. It gives power to delegate time towards different projects. The staff can be trained who work remotely and have trouble getting to training venues. 

  • No travel expenses: Classroom requires both trainer and trainees to predetermine location. Unlike traditional methods, eLearning never demands the presence of yours on the site. It fully adjusts to your needs. There is no pricey travelling to push down the rabbit hole of a person's debt.  

  • Remote approaches to various classes: Today, we have moved towards online college than that of 4 years universities.  The knowledge is brought to students rather than having to obey a fixed schedule, campus rules and bunch of norms. Online education is giving the leisure to prepare for exams, earn and decorate a career.

  • Less impact on environment: e-Learning has paved the way to higher education and contributes to make world dreams easier. It has become most popular all over the world. It is the most eco-friendly as there is no need to cut the trees to obtain paper.