How is elearning transforming the education sector
Khushi Varshney
July 25, 2022
Max 2min read

E Learning has been a great means of exchanging data through various platforms. It has replaced chalk and duster culture and revolunaized a lot in the teaching method. Teachers apply the teaching approach solely by the help of technology and teaching becomes more smoother, easier and effective. Digitalization has contributed towards the shift in education it is consumed and taught. Book- based learning and pre-written content are becoming the things of the past. The normal traditional method of teaching which was difficult and inconvenient to many has been changed and online education has made the life of students and teachers easier comparatively.They need not attend long lectures, classroom based teaching and much more. It is flexible, accountale, stable and convenient as well.

With the arrival of the internet, innovation in the learning method is under revolution. Below there are some effects that have accelerated the trend of online education.

  • Internet and mobile telephony.
  • Development in IT skills.
  • Asynchronous learning.
  • Disruptive events like pandemic.
  • Sophisticated teaching method.