Why should education be digitalized
Khushi Varshney
July 25, 2022
Max 5min read

Digital learning is the way of seeking education through the means of technology and digital services. Digital learning that can embrace content more completely and at a faster rate or comprehension. Because of instructional strategies applied by the teachers, students become more involved in the learning process. Digital education is the innovative incorporation of modern technology and digital tools to assist the progress of teaching and learning. It is also known as Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), digital learning, or e-learning.
Some educators and technology believe that learning will be entirely digital by artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Digitalizations refers to digital technology to teach students.

Benefits of Digital Education.

Personalized learning.

It helps teachers to cater the syllabus and learning plan to individual students.They can check the accountability and then make judgements to allow quick progress. With digital learning the teacher can make a curriculum based on the needs of individual students. Digital learning has shown that it’s able to provide a more holistic approach to education.

Improve written language skills.

Online learning involves a large amount of written communication. Although there is video conferencing, chat makes it much faster to connect. Digital learning environment stands a better chance of being able to type, which is essential for the job market in the future.

Increases students' employability.

We put immense responsibility on students and expect them to be skillful to make up their career. This is the top priority of providing education and the market has changed a lot since we have started traditional teaching. We need to make sure the students of today are prepared for the job market of tomorrow. Digital leanings make them familiar with technology and tune skills will be important in future.

Accountability in students.

The digital education system incorporates real-time evaluation and system-generated performance reports which increases the transparency of assessment. Digital learning makes students independent who knows how, when and what to study. They can analyse themselves and no spoon feeding is required.

Smart classrooms.

The teachers are making learning innovation and fun by tech savvy methods and now the chalk talk method is old. The modern classrooms are equipped with projectors and LCD which makes a shift to interactive digital sessions. This makes students pay more attention as they are extensively acquainted with the digital world.

Disadvantages of Digital Education.

Privacy concerns.

It is difficult to have privacy in the internet world and the danger of your personal data being stolen. Everyone has the ability to take a photo or a video clip and then post it online. Employers can search for anyone online and maybe find photographs, or see them expressing controversial opinions in social media or blogs.


These days, many people spend a large portion of time on the Internet, whether it's for work, social interaction, gathering information, or entertainment. But there is a fine line between what can be considered a healthy amount of Internet usage, and what is known as Internet Addiction Disorder.

Plagiarism means the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own and copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. Students copy and paste their homework, assignments and projects without learning anything. Means of sharing is not about forgetting the original creator of a peice. As it is adopted and claimed by others.

More focus on theory.

The problem is that a large portion of E-Learning training providers choose to focus largely on developing theoretical knowledge, rather than practical skills and the reason is simple: it is difficult to have practical online classes. After all, face to face communication and physical classrooms to use as workshops, projects and implement practicals need more prior planning than theoretical lectures.

Lacks face to face conversation.

It ties together with many of the other disadvantages. Lack of communication affects students' feedback. Cause social isolation and less stress on the students i.e.they can abandon studies more easily. Constant nudging may be undesirable for many, but it's a very important for improving Students retention.

Certainly, technology gives many advantages to teachers, students and parents. However, they should attain correct informative orientation that encourages them to use their benefits instead of interrupting education.